18 Mar 2012

Land based Barramundi fishing
Chonga's best fresh water creek
Mr. Carlo Chonga Esmaquel

Mr. Carlo Chonga Esmaquel went fishing to the fresh water creek the other day.

Chonga caught many Tarpon by the top water lures.
And he caught 20 nice sized fresh water Barramundi there.

Unfortunately, Chonga and I couldn't get to this creek today (18th. March 2012) because the road was blockaded.
So I'd like to show you his results and fishing tackles at that place last time.

Rod: G loomis Spinnerbait 6'6" 10-17lb casting rod

Rod: G loomis Spinnerbait 5'6" 8-12lb casting rod

Reel: Shimano Curado 201E

Line: 20lb Fins braid and 30lb Jinkai leader

Reel: Shimano Core 51

Line: 25lb Daiwa +SW

Knot: The Slim Beauty Knot

Fresh water Barramundi #1/20 caught by Chonga

Fresh water Barramundi #2/20 caught by Chonga

Fresh water Barramundi #3/20 caught by Chonga

Fresh water Barramundi #4/20 caught by Chonga

Chonga caught a Sleepycod too.

Chonga and I schedule to go this creek again as soon as possible.

☆⌒(*^-゚)v Thanks!! Chonga.

Chonga's best fresh water creek.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

にほんブログ村 釣りブログ アカメ釣りへ

Thank you very much.

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