19 Apr 2012

Darwin's Family fishing Part two
Mr. Grant Hatcher

How I envy you, Grant! o(*^▽^*)o

I have children in Japan.
I wanted to teach them how to fish in Darwin.

Mr. Grant Hatcher took his sons Jack and Liam to Corroboree Billabong.
The Coroboree Billabong is part of the Mary River system.

Mr. Jack Hatcher and Mr. Liam Hatcher casting into the lillies at Corroboree Billabong

Liam with a small Corroboree Billabong Tarpon

Liam with small Corroboree Billabong Saratoga

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

にほんブログ村 釣りブログ アカメ釣りへ

Thank you very much.

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