8 Apr 2012

Awesome photo!
Jumping Barramundi
By Mr. Alex Julius

What a extremely rare picture of a jumping Barramundi is!
Look at the shape of the splashing water!
There are so many details in the picture.

Mr. Alex Julius put this photo on his facebook as follows,

Well it was good to get up to the Barra Lodge and sample the cricket-score barra catches for myself. Shimano was filming a DVD of its new products. Starlo was there, as were Terry Dunphy and Brett Wilson. Over 200 barra were caught in 2 days and probably another 200 fish on the bluewater in one day, including dozens of different species. Various old and new-model Squidgies brained them, and the tackle, including G.Loomis rods, was as good as you'd expect.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

にほんブログ村 釣りブログ アカメ釣りへ

Thank you very much.

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