17 Feb 2012

Run off has started!
Adelaide River Barramundi
Bill's Bugs Fizzer
By Mr. Mark West

Adelaide River is a river in the Northern Territory of Australia.
The Adelaide River is well known for its high concentration of saltwater crocodiles.

Mr. Mark West
Very highly experienced & skilled professional lure & fly fishing guide

Mark caught his Surface Barramundi by Bill's Bugs Fizzer on 13th. February 2012.
Fizzer made a heap of noise and water spray.

He caught 20 nice sized Barramundi there.
He preffered Outgoing tide to Incoming tide there.

Things to remember: Not steady retrieving

Bill's Bugs Fizzer

Colour: Black

Size: 100mm

Water: Tannin Outgoing

Reel: Baitcaster

Action: Short jerking

Normally, "Run off" starts March or April, but it's already started this year because of less rainy days.

I've no experience of "Run off".
It's my dream!
Unfortunately, my schooter probably can't arrive at the rivers.

Mark's picture shows a very different water from sea water in the region of Darwin City.

And this Barramundi's colour was very gold.
Our Sea Barramundi's colours were always very silver.

There was a very tannin water there.

Top water Barramundi fishing should be the best game fishing to me.

Once you have experienced the feeling of hooking a Barramundi on top water, you will be wondering this is with out doubt one of the most exciting forms of fishing.

You could see Mr. Mark West at Fishing and Outdoor World .


+61 8 8981 6398

+61 8 8981 1569


Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

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Thank you very much.

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