29 Dec 2013

Big Mangrovejack
Mr. Callum Gamble

My 50cc scooter has clocked up a mileage of 40,000 kilometers since October 2006.
My old scooter is not beautiful now.
But it's in perfect shape, especially the engine, brakes and electrical system.
Fortunately, I know a very, very skilled mechanic.
That's Callum Gamble.

Callum caught a very nice sized mangrovejack in Fiji.

December 29, 2013
Callum's comment as follows,
It's my best fish ever.. Land based this morning in Fiji. Released.
I marked its length on my rod I have no tape measure I reckon at least 9 or 10 kg what a beast.

Rod: Shimano raider 3 piece 6-10kg travel rod,
Reel: Shimano Stradic ci4 3000,
Line: 15lb Zulu braid,
Leader: 40lb Black magic fluorocarbon,
Knot: The Albright Knot braid to mono, perfection loop knot to 1/6 TT jig, mint jelly sqidgy fish.
Thanks to Matt West for the rod,  Hiro loves the data!! Your technique!!! Slow retrieve

Mr. Darren Ampt
Mr. Callum Gamble

My old scooter has been in a very good condition thanks to Mr. Callum Gamble.




Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.