30 Nov 2013

Where to fish the sea barramundi by the tide on our shallows?

We have two tides in direction.
  1. Incoming tide
  2. Outgoing tide

If you understand the sea-barramundi's behavior by the tide, you will catch more barramundis on our shallows.

The outgoing tide is safer than the incoming tide when you fish on our shallows.
Barramundi prefer to make a surprise attack from structures in the outgoing tide especially.
It's the same as bushwhacking guerrillas attacking from ambush.
So try the spot in the outgoing tide as above.

Barramundi swims along by the under-water rock bar and rocks in the outgoing tide especially.
So try the spot as above.

In addition,
Try the small channel with muddy bottom in the outgoing tide.
Try the mouth of the very small creek in the outgoing tide. (The night time  better!)

The sea barramundi attack their bait fish almost as if a big eagle stoop at its prey in the incoming tide on our shallows.
It's not the same as bushwhacking guerrillas attacking from ambush.
It's an act of forcing their way through.
They come from off-shore to water's edge as if the Marine corps establish a shallow beachhead in the front line.
So try the spot in the incoming tide as above.

In addition,
Try the mouth of the very small creek in the incoming tide. (The night time is better!)

Probably not all, but most.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.