7 Jul 2014

Many Pikey Breams in Darwin in July

I had been too busy to spare time for catching barramundi since July 23.
1:30pm I went fishing to the urban rocks in accordance with outgoing-tide timing for catching barramundi.
I couldn't see the right bait pattern.
Probably I should have used a Squidgy fish 70mm Mint Jelly at that time.
I couldn't catch any barramundis there after all.

Normally I don't use frozen-prawn bait for my fishing.
I prefer lure fishing to bait fishing.
But I bought a pack of frozen-prawn bait at the petrol station this afternoon.

3:00pm I went fishing to the urban channel in accordance with outgoing-tide for catching pikey bream.
"Pikey bream fishing in Darwin" is held mostly in dry season when the climate and temperature is mild, the weather is good and the sun is not too strong.

Very easy fishing.


I caught more than 10 pikey breams there.
These breams were smaller than in the average year.
I almost lost interest in catching those pikey breams because of having caught them too often.

I wanted to try to use a new lure.

Very small lure but heavy!

Trevally took it soon.

3 more trevally by this lure.

3 rockcod also.

But I couldn't catch any pikey bream with this lure after all.

Metal blade lure



Where: Shallow water 50cm -70m

Water: Very clear Outgoing

Line: SUFIX 10LB

Leader: TRIUMPH SUPER SHOCK LEADER 30LB (Very nice for the shallows)

Knot: The Slim Beauty Knot


Rod: ST.CROIX  AVID/AVS66LF2 4-8LB 1/16-1/4oz. Fast action


Action: Steady retrieving

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.