27 Jun 2012

New fishing activities of mine in near future.

Thank you very, very much for your visiting at this blog.

I've never earned any moneys from my fishing activities.
Frankly speaking, I'd like to make small profits now.

Plan #1

World Best Knot-Out Tools

I uses an ultra light spinning tackle now.
Normally, I don't have many troubles of fishing lines these days.
However, a trouble of braid-line happen to me once a month. (Unfortunately)
Probably, beginner angler might have some troubles of braid-lines weekly.

Trouble: Tangled braid-lines

If you had no luck with this trouble, you had to cut 10m or 15m of braid-line.
Braid-line is very expensive.
You will be very happy if you can get a knot-out of the tangled braid-lines without cutting.

So I'll schedule to supply "World Best Knot-Out Tools" to the my blog's readers in near future.

Plan #2

Fishing Together

I've received many e-mails from my blog's readers.
I was told that they wanted to go fishing with me.
Thank you very, very much.
But I've declined all offers very politely.

I changed my mind.

I'd like to go fishing with a beginner of lure-fishing.
I'd like to go fishing with a tourist-angler.
I'm very sorry that I'd better not to go fishing with local anglers.
● Local anglers don't need my fishing-advice.

Please send me E-mail if you like it.
You could send me an e-mail at the bottom of this blog.

Time: Not a day time

Please don't worry, I'm not a bad person.

Thank you very, very much.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.