18 Jun 2012

The Best Fishing in Darwin
114cm (130cm) Queenfish on fly
Mr. Steve STARLO Starling

I guarantee,
This is the best fish and the best fishing in Darwin in 2012.

I know that "Guarantee" is a very big word in English.

The best fishing in Darwin.

Mr. Steve STARLO Starling commented on his Facebook as follows,

The fishing gods smiled on me this afternoon and let me land one of those genuine "fish of a lifetime" we all dream about... I could count on one hand the angling encounters I've had that have made me shake as much as this one did, and doing it on a 9 weight fly rod made it doubly memorable. Casting a nondescript little #1 Clouser towards rocks at the western end of Channel Island in Darwin Harbour, I connected with the biggest queenfish I've ever seen — in flesh or photo. Half a wild hour later, this giant queenie sadly had barely a kick left in it at boat-side, effectively ruling out a release, so I'll be getting a wall mount made. For the statistically minded, this amazing specimen was 130cm long overall, 114cm nose-to-fork and weighed a whisker over 16 kilos... The photos don't show the thickness through its head and shoulders... Those repeated, explosive jumps are forever etched on my cerebral cortex I am still trembling as I type this!

Steve Starling

Steve has given many attractive lures to us.
He has given many good fishing-opportunities to us.
He has given many fishing-tactics to us.
And he gave us a very big fishing-dream now.

He caught this fish (The world record, I think.) in Darwin Harbour.

Please look at the hook!
The fishing gods love Mr. Steve STARLO Starling very much.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.