Thanks to many good friends, I could continue it.
I understood some very important things on blogging.
Last week,
My blog was invaded by a bad affiliater.
I tried to find his (her) bad tags of linking with some words (key word) in my blog.
And I found those bad tags.
But I couldn't delete them.
Norton Internet Security didn't find any viruses any spy-wears.
I was at a loss.
I worried that many my blog's readers might link with those dishonest affiliate wards.
So I decided to close down my blog temporary.
Normally Simon help my computer troubles.
It's only natural that it's not convenient for my very good friend, Simon on Saturday and Sunday.
I had to wait for his help until Monday.
I studied how to resolve this problem.
But I couldn't find the solution.
I went to the internet shop in the Mall.
I met the shop-owner there.
Fortunately, he gave me a solution to my problem.
He said that the modem should have something.
I reset my modem.
That means that I deleted all information from memories of my modem.
Dishonest affiliate-people would put some dishonest memories into modem nowadays.
That's why I couldn't delete tags of dishonest affiliate links in my blog.
I'm good at blogging but I'm not good at operating computer.
I don't know about internet very well.
I should have studied hard "Computer"and "Internet".
Finally, all dishonest links have gone! Very safe!
Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.
Thank you very much.