4 Nov 2015

Productive fishing window for the land base?

The productive fishing windows are narrow at the big tides.
The currents caused by tides also become greater.
The sea water goes out, and comes in, more rapidly than during a neap tide.
The sea changes quickly from one state or condition to another in my fishing ­locations.
That means that the greater tide is, the narrower ­productive fishing windows become.
We cannot stay for a long time in one fishing point.
The best tide shifts with the best fishing point every hour.
We always need to think where barramundi are coming to.

Even in such a situation though, the productive fishing window around the high tide becomes comparatively wide.
That's why I usually go fishing to the mouth of a small creek around the high tide during a big tide.
The dark period from 7:30pm to 10:00pm is preferable for catching a saltwater barramundi by land based.

The morning time will sometimes do.
That depends on each fishing location though.

Catching bait fish is hard to a barramundi during a big tide because of the strong water current.
So barramundi sometimes miss the target lure while the water current is moving fast.
This adds to the short strikings to lures by barramundi.
I have a method for coping with this short striking.
The drag force for fishing reel should be loosen.
Please use it at your own risk.

On the other hand, the productive fishing windows are wide at the middle - small tides.
The sea water is moving slowly.
We can stay for a long time in one fishing point.
Barramundi will take lures with a good eye for observation, at any rate, they should be shortsighted though.
They don't miss the target lure very much during a small tide.
Practically speaking, I prefer small-middle tides to big tides for the land based fishing.

We will not catch a nice sized barramundi under the following conditions, however good the tides are.
  • Very wavy sea
  • Very calm sea like a mirror
  • Very noisy wind
  • Very bright moon light
  • Just after big rain
So far I have been catching 983 barramundi on lure by land based since 2010.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.