8 Mar 2015

The garpes are sour.
I had no chance to catch a barramundi today.

I had no choice but to go to my usual fishing locations.
The grapes are sour.
To tell the truth, I wanted to go to the Shady Camp to fish.
As you know, I have no boat.
I don't have even a car.
It has rained in this wet season.
Much more rain has fallen than last year.
It will shower benefits upon us later.
But it is now in the very hard condition to fish in my usual fishing locations.
I'm steadfastly being patient about that.

I still fish the shore when it is rainy, but it is not the ideal time.
In my experience, the best time for catching many good-size saltwater barramundi from the shore in the rainy season is when we have had no rainy for 24 hours.

We had had no rain for 24 hours until that time.
The circumstances today were different to usual circumstances.
Normally, the sea water doesn't leave after an ebb tide around this area.
That means that a substantial amount of water has left in the ground.
It should be a fresh water.
Though even that, you know, is far from explaining all.
The freshwater will move upward when the tide flows because the freshwater is lighter than the saltwater.
This situation is not easy to keep on living for the marine small animals.
Their activities should be very low.
This situation is not easy to keep on living for those sea barramundi.

A barramundi can live in a blackish water too.
Separately from the normal life cycle of barramundi, some sea barramundi spend their life times, almost from their birth, in the sea.
Some barramundi travel back and force between both situations.

In addition, a sea barramundi doesn't like rubbish such as floating rubbish in the sea water.

The tides were not very bad for this fishing location today,
The sea wasn't very wavy.
But I had no chance to catch a barramundi in my usual fishing locations again.
The grapes are sour.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.