24 Feb 2011

I saw Mr. Mark Parkinson
At the local fishing shop
The Best Barramundi Tactics

I saw Mr. Mark Parkinson at FISHING & OUTDOOR WORLD in Darwin today.

I asked him for his autograph.
He is a very nicely kind person. Really nice person!
Thanks ☆☆** v(o^▽^o)v**☆☆ Thanks


Owner/operator Mr. Mark Parkinson has been a fishing guide for nearly twenty years in both Queensland and primarily in the Northern Territory targeting Barramundi and Bluewater sport fishing. He has an extensive knowledge of the coastline and inland waterways throughout the NT.

Mr. Mark Parkinson, Mr. Kane Dysart and Mr. Bill Classon tell their super tactics.

Great DVD shows why a famous gold BOMBER could catch a big barramundi at that time.

Mr. Bill Classon caught 1m+ Barramundi on his gold BOMBER.

Mr. Mark Parkinson shows some true secrets of water system on the river.
It made an impression on me.

Mr. Kane Dysart tells very important things about the barramundi tackle.

This DVD is the very thing that I have been looking for.

I'm looking forword to seeing the next "BARRA TACTICS"

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

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Thank you very much.

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