11 Feb 2014

Monsoon-flood fishing
Mr. Stewie Martin
Mr. Andy Congram

It's a great monsoon season this time.
We have had continuous rains since last December.

Stewie took Andy and me to the monsoon-flood fishing on Sunday.
He has a very safe and tough boat with 140hp Suzuki powers.

Let me introduce Mr. Stewie Martin to overseas readers.


He is a fishing columnist of NT News also.

Let me introduce Mr. Andy Cogram to overseas readers.

He is a great fly fisherman.

The floods have not yet subsided.

More floods.

The water nearly came up to the bridge girder.

Stewie caught a nice high-shoulder barramundi.
He is very good at casting and controlling lures.
Much better than me.


Andy hooked some barramundis on fly.
The fly Andy cast went into the small spot.

I didn't catch any fish.
My experience by land based was poor on the river!



We enjoyed Monsoon-flood fishing very much.
☆⌒(*^-゚)v Thanks!! Stewie and Andy!

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.