7 Oct 2012

Timmy Bee leaves Darwin soon.

Timmy is a very good friend of mine.
People knows that he's a very skilled bass player.
Mr. Tim Bishop is a professional bass player.

On the other hand, he's a very experienced and skilled angler.
He loves land based Barramundi fishing in Darwin.

But, ・゚゚・(×_×)・゚゚・

But, Timmy leaves Darwin soon.

October 7, 2012 Flathead
Land based, Darwin, NT, Australia

Timmy used a soft plastic prawn.
I think that Timmy's retrieving technique is superior to mine.

He caught 3 Flatheads for dinner tonight.

After all, I couldn't catch any fishes today.
I can't say good bye to Timmy.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

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Thank you very much.