28 Oct 2012

Good news for the rainy days
Salt water rock prawn
Rainy season's bait
Mr. Steve Osborne

I thought that there wasn't a fresh water habitat on our urban shallow water.

Since we are in the rainy season anglers obviously have to contend with plenty of rain.
It's very hard to find fishes, crabs and aquatic insects living inshore saltwater habitats after a big rain on the land.
Such decomposing vegetation as black leaves, dead branches and dead grass washed in with rain run-off disturb our barramundi fishing very much.
The low salinity levels and dirty water put off the bait and the predators, and drive them away from where they can be easily targeted on foot.
That means it's very hard to catch barramundi on the shore around Darwin city straight after a big rain.
However, barramundi can live in both fresh and salt water.
Therefore we can catch barramundi after a big rain in purely freshwater environments.
This is because we can find bait fishes, shrimp and crayfish that live in most freshwater habitats even after rain.
It's very hard to find such a freshwater environment in the region of Darwin City.
I still fish the shore when it is rainy, but it is not the ideal time.
In my experience, the best time for catching many good-size saltwater barramundi from the shore in the rainy season is when we have had no rainy for 24 hours.

Now, we have a good news for the rainy days on our urban shallow water.

Mr. Steve Osborne and I fished at the rocks today.
Steve showed that he caught a Barramundi, a Flathead and a Goldensnapper with a soft plastic prawn bait.

It was thought that the salt water rock prawns could stay around the our urban rocks under the condition of the badly rainy days.



Soft plastic prawn bait with a weedless hook
A real salt water rock prawn looked like this in size.

Steve's SHIMANO CORE with Sufix 832 Braid 20LB

Steve's GLoomis GLX

Steve's fishing tackles are always having the perfect balance.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.