I went fishing all right today.
But I didn't catch any fish as a result.
And with that, I have some pictures to show you.
This walk-through was named "Hiro's land based fishing tour".
This urban rock wall has many precarious footholds because of the difference in height: 7 meters between the upper and the lower.
I once tumbled off here.
I thought I was going to die at that time.
The knee pads and rock spike boots are essential for me here.
The elbow pads are essential for me also.
Whenever it's wet under foot I must move carefully.
Thus my weight was more than 95kg when I was the heaviest.
It was quite dangerous.
That's reason why I'm on a diet.
I couldn't catch any fish at that rock wall after all and so I went to an urban shallow water. next.
That means that "Look out! There will be a crocodile coming."
That is not much of a problem here.
That is a nice place to see and walk also.
It looked very cool and shady.
"Not it."
I heard the sound of waves rushing ashore.
This was the passage to the sea.
The sea came into sight.
I had to wade through the shallow water.
I confirmed that a crocodile was not here.
The incoming tide is quite dangerous here.
It means knowing when enough is enough.
As a result, I couldn't catch any fish today.
I posted these following articles before.
I was suddenly accosted by someone at the shop on the way there.
He said, "We will soon be catching more barramundi because the water temperature is rising now."
I only smiled at that time.
As many attentive readers of my fishing blog have already known, I didn't catch many fish in this coming season every year on our urban shallow waters.
The season, from the middle of August to the beginning of October, that the water temperature is rising should be the most difficult time to catch fish on our urban shallow waters to me.
That is more difficult than the winter season.
An unanticipated situation occurred in this winter.
Normally, I caught some nice sized barramundi even in the cold water.
I couldn't catch many barramundi in this winter even though we had a very good monsoon rainy season last time.
I would have never imagined that.
People generally believe that more barramundi will take lures in September because the water temperature is increasing.
Is it really the case?
In so far as my fishing location, it seems that barramundi won't take lures on our urban shallows while the water temperature is increasing even to compare with the winter season.
I should correct it into a more suitable expression.
Barramundi won't come to our urban shallows in that season.
Probably, the reason is why the absolute number of mullet is small on our urban shallows in that season.
We can't certainly expect more barramundi with a highly active condition under a low water temperature.
In addition, barramundi becomes more cautious against lures in a very clear water of the winter season.
However, barramundi must eat to live and so they will take lures on an empty stomach even in the cold water.
We can expect to catch more barramundi on our urban shallows in June and July rather than in September in that kind of meaning.
For some reason I couldn't catch a suitable number of barramundi in June and July this year.
So, what shall we do with it?
Very easy!
We don't need to push ourselves to catch barramundi on our urban shallows in these above season.
Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.
Thank you very much.