25 Jul 2012

Bluebone as a main target
Storm Twitching Nipper
Mr. Stephen Abala

I asked Mr. Stephen Abala whether Bluebone becomes a main target fish by a lure in Darwin?

I believe that Bluebone will be a very attractive target fish for lure-fishing in Darwin.

●Bluebone is a very, very strong fighter.
●Bluebone is a very, very good eating fish.

Stephen knows where he can catch a Bluebone very well.
He showed us that we can enjoy catching a Bluebone by a lure  this time.

I received an e-mail from Stephen (Bully) tonight.

Hey Hiro,

See pic as promised.  This one caught in 2.5m clear water on storm prawn imitation cast and retrieved throgh dust clouds while it was diggin around the bottom.  Stella 1000 /Stcroix spin stick.  Its refreshing to see your efforts around the town fishing, it indicates your passion for fishing.


☆⌒(*^-゚)v Thanks!! Bully.

Look at the size!
What a beautiful fish is!

Water: Clear 2.5m deep


Reel: SHIMANO STELLA 1000Very small reel  (30minutes for landing)


Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

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Thank you very much.