5 Apr 2018

Barramundi #1120-1122
Mangrovejack #52
Easter holidays

Were you able to enjoy the fishing during the Easter holidays?
Seems like you're in good mood at Shady camp!
I'm jealous of that.
As for my land based barramundi fishing, it is not at my best because there is still a lot of fresh water in the shallows on shore.
My results as follows,
  • March 30, Friday: 2 small barramundi at Channel Island
  • March 31, Saturday: 0, but my friend, Cookie, caught 1 barramundi at Channel Island
  • April 1, Sunday: 1 small barramundi and missed 1 big barramundi at Channel Island
  • April 2, Monday: 1 small mangrovejack at a saltwater lake near my place

March 30, Friday

March 30, Friday

March 31, Saturday  My good fishing friend, Cookie caught and released a barramundi.

April 1, Sunday

April 2, Monday

The event that left impressions on me are as follows,
March 31: My good fishing friend, Matt Cook (Cookie), caught a barramundi on Zerek Live Cherabin 100mm/green colour at Channel Island.  He normally catch more barramundi than I do at Channel Island.

April 1: I missed a 95-105cm barramundi on Squidgy Pro Mongrel 90mm/Drop-bear colour at Channel Island.  I adjusted the drag setting for my Shimano Stella 2500FE carefully.  Despite that, a monster broke the 40lb leader line, and got away.  I saw a big girl jump twice.

April 2: A quick fishing before breakfast is refreshing in the holiday morning.  I went fishing at a saltwater lake.  That saltwater lake is 5 minutes by scooter away from my place.  I caught and released a mangrovejack on Squidgies Fish 80mm/Drop-bear colour.  That's why I like to live in Darwin.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link. 
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Thank you very much.

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