All troubles of my 50cc scooter was perfectly fixed by Callum.
He's also a very good fisherman.
I've known that he sometimes caught very nice sized Mangrovejacks.
Mangrovejack is a very, very strong-fighter fish.
So I asked him to send me the data of his fishing tackles, tides and places.
Lure: 1/6 oz TT jig head black/ gold squidgy fish
Line: 30 lb daiwa td sensor braid
Leader: 40 lb black magic tough leader
Reel: Shimano curado 200dhsv
Rod: Shimano steve starling Calcutta series rod 2 - 4 kg rod
Place: XXXXXX creek rockbar
Tide: The first hour of incoming tide
Action: Slow steady retrieve
☆⌒(*^-゚)v Thanks!! Callum.
38cm very nice Mangrovejack was caught by Mr. Callum Gumball.
March 24, 2013
Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.
Thank you very much.