26 Aug 2012

Fish soup in Philippine style

I wouldn't kill these small fishes.
It's a result of my land based fishing on Saturday.
I caught many Trevallies.
These five fishes were among them.
They were damaged by my strong Barramundi tackles.

And so I made a very, very delicious fish soup in Philippine style.

◎ Boil the water.

Add following vegetables
2. Onion
3. Lemongrass
4. Ginger
5. Chili

Add fishes.


That's all!

I was taught how to make it by Joe and Ramon.

☆⌒(*^-゚)v Thanks!! Joe and Ramon.  


It's not fishy in smell at all.

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

にほんブログ村 釣りブログ アカメ釣りへ

Thank you very much.