Two weeks ago.
I saw Mr. Mario Clancy Faggion because I was interviewed by a radio-program producer.
Mario is a producer of ABC Tales from Tinny.
I was surprised at Mario.
He became a very healthy-slim man.
He taught me about 'coconut oil diet'.
And he said that Chonga also lost weight of 8kg in 6 weeks.
Fortunately, I was invited to dinner by Chonga last night.
I understood that he lost big weights as well.
He looked very healthy.
Originally, I have known that he is good at cooking.
And I was impressed with his cooking.
It's been the best marinaded steak to me ever!
We enjoyed steak, chicken satay grilled with coconut oil very much.
Salad was very, very nice for these steak and satay.
Very nice!
Chonga taught me how to cook it.
I really want to buy this following sauce.
It's a Philippine-style marinade.
Great taste!
Thank you very much, Mrs and Mr Esmaquel.
☆⌒(*^-゚)v Thanks!! Mandy and Chonga!
Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.
Thank you very much.