3 Dec 2011

62cm Barramundi
Rainy Season
By Mr. Edmond Fong

I received e-mail from Mr. Edmond Fong tonight.
He's one of the top men of the land based Barramundi fishing in Darwin.

Hi Hiro,

I have been fishing 10 times to catch a barra bigger than 55cm. Today I was lucky and caught a 62cm. 1 out of 10 = 10% chance. Barra swam towards me and jumped a few times. It then went under the rocks but didn’t snap my leader line. I consider myself very lucky…….

Thanks Eddy! v(。-_-。)v

3rd. December 2011
62cm Nice Barramundi was caught by Mr. Edmond Fong.
land based,Darwin,NT,Australia



Size: 70mm

Where: Shallow water about 30cm

Water: Murky Outgoing

Tuning: OWNER/Berkley NITRO 1/8oz-3.5g #2/O

Tuning: Weaved jighead to SQUIDGY FISH

Line: Fireline 20lb + Leader line 30LB. YAMATOYO

Knot: The Bayonet Knot

Reel: Abu Garcia 6500 C4

Rod: Silstar Crystal Blue Power tip.

Action: very slow retrieval

Please click on the " Fishing of Ranking" link.

にほんブログ村 釣りブログ アカメ釣りへ

Thank you very much.

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